BAMA update - Part II

Kenneth D. Grimm, K4XL kgrimm at ADELPHIA.NET
Sat Jul 14 12:30:29 EDT 2001

Good stuff added to BAMA since May:

AEA Isopole.  Manual.  Compliments of Ian Webb, K6SDE.
Astatic D-104 microphone and amplified grip-to-talk stand, T-UG8.
Compliments of Joe Counsil, KB0FPD.
B&K Dynamatic 375 VTVM including the AE-1A and PR-38 RF probes. Manual.
Compliments of Mark Rehorst.
Ballantine 300D VTVM.  Manual.  Compliments of Lance Benner.
Ballantine 300H-U7 VTVM.  Manual.  Compliments of Lance Benner.
Ballantine 310A VTVM.  Manual.  Compliments of Lance Benner.
Boonton Q Meter Type 260-A.   Manual.  Compliments of Lance Benner.
Breting Model 12 Riders schematic from Dave Hollander, N7RK.
Drake TC-6.  Manual.  Compliments of Garey Barrell, K4OAH.
Drake SPR-4.  Improved schematic.  Compliments of Keith R. Erickson and
sent to BAMA by Ian Webb, K6SDE.
East German receiver RFT EKN-3.  Manual.  Compliments of Christof Proft.
East German receiver RFT 1340.15.  Manual.  Compliments of Christof
East German receiver RFT T-188.  Manual.  Compliments of Martin Faust,
DK9QT, previously listed under VEB.
Eldico SSB-100 MIL Transmitter.  Manual.  Compliments of Mark Foltarz,
Elenco SS-75.  Manual.  Compliments of Lynn Fisk, K5LYN.
General Electric YCW-1 Capacitance-Resistance Bridge.  Manual.
Compliments of D. L. Barnhart.
Gonset G-50 transceiver.  Manual.  Compliments of Walt Szachara, W2OKF.
Gonset GR-212 receiver.  Manual.  Compliments of D. L. Barnhart.
Gonset GSB-101 Transceiver.  Manual.  Compliments of Mark Foltarz,
Gonset GSB-100 Transceiver.  Manual.  Compliments of Mark Foltarz,
Hallicrafters R-42 "Reproducer."  Schematic.  Compliments of Ken Ketner,
Hallicrafters S-38.   Digitally enhanced version of schematic.
Compliments of Michael E. Groome.
Hallicrafters SR-75.  Manual.  Compliments of John H. Bauer, W4AWM.
Hammarlund HQ-100 Receiver.   Manual.  Compliments of Ron Martinmaki,
Hammarlund SP-600.   Revised version (April 2, 2001) of SSB Adapter by
David Snelling.
Heath GR-54 SWL Receiver.  Manual.  Compliments of Ed Price, WB6WSN.
Heath HW-32.   Partial Manual and mod sheet.  Compliments of Ron
Martinmaki, W9EOA.
Heath O-11 Oscilloscope.   Partial manual.  Compliments of Ron
Martinmaki, W9EOA.
Heath SB-620.  Updated material.  From Ken Kaplan, KB7RGG, Jim Shorney,
NU0C and Jan-Martin Noeding, LA8AK.
Heath SB-620.  Scan of graticule. Compliments of Jim Shorney, NU0C.
Heath SB-620.  Schematic in one file.  Compliments of Jim Shorney, NU0C.
Heath SG-8 Signal Generator.   Partial manual.  Compliments of Tony
Uvino N1RUR.
Heath T-2 Signal Tracer.  Partial manual.  Compliments of Rick Williams.
Heath T-3 Signal Tracer.  Partial manual.  Compliments of Tony Uvino
Henry Tempo 1 transceiver.  Manual.  Compliments of Joe Counsil, KB0FPD.
Hickock 4956 VOM.  Manual.  Compliments of Bob Kulow, WA2UEH.
Hickok 695 TV-FM Alignment Generator.  Manual.  Compliments of Rick
Hustler 4-BTV Antenna.  Manual.  Compliments of Robert Dunn, KD7HRN.
Hy-Gain 18-HT-S Hy-Tower antenna.  Manual.  Compliments of KMA Antennas
Hy-Gain TH6DXX.  Manual.  Compliments of Gary Fender, W5UUO.
Industrial Instruments L-7 Megohmmeter.  Manual.  Compliments of Lance
Johnson VIKING II.   Missing pages added to assbly. man. Compliments of
Yves Dussault, VE2ATD.
Knight-Kit Star Roamer receiver.  Complete Manual.  Compliments of Ed
Magnum 6 Speech Processor.  Manual for Drake version.  Compliments of
Walt Szachara, W2OKF.
Magnum 6 Speech Processor.  Manual for Collins models.  Compliments of
Bob Crawford, K8VFV.
Marconi CR300 receiver.   Partial Manual.  Compliments of Jan-Martin
Noeding, LA8AK.
Marconi CSR5A receiver.  Redrawn schematic and data. Compliments of
Denis Chouinard, VE2DSH.
National.  Booklet on HRO 1935.  Compliments of Dave Hollander, N7RK.
National.  Australian version of the HRO (R.A.A.F. AR-7).  Manual and
photo.  From of Andy Gluis, VK5AAQ.
National NC-44.  Manual.  Compliments of Dave Hollander, N7RK.
National NC-190.  Improved ver. of prior upload of Manual.  Compliments
of Scott McDonald, KA9P.
National RAO-2.  Manual.  Compliments of Bob Kulow WA2UEH.
National RBH-1.  Manual.  Compliments of Bob Kulow WA2UEH.
Nye Viking RFM-003 and RFM-005.   Manual.  Compliments of Bill Coleman,
RCA BTA-1R1 1 KW AM transmitter.  Manual.  Compliments of Mark Foltarz,
RCA AR-88 receiver.  Manual.  Compliments of Richard Brunner.
RCA AR-88  S-Meter.  Info sheet.  Compliments of Russ Hunt, WQ3X.
Shure 737A Crystal Microphone.  Instruction sheet.   Compliments of Bob
Bethman, N0DGN.
Siemens e309 receiver.   Manual in German.  Compliments of Christof
Siemens e310 and e311 receivers.  Manuals in German.  Compliments of
Christof Proft.
Swan 350.  Manual and SB Selector Mod.  Compliments of Jerry J. Ingordo,
Trio-Kenwood TS-510  External VFO-5D.   Manual.  Compliments of Claude
Evrard, F5HSH.
Triplet 630-PL Volt-Ohm-Milliammeter.  Manual.  From an unknown

Many, many thanks to the fine folks who have shared their information
with all of us.


Ken K4XL
k4xl at
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