Homebrew Transmitter Inquiry
anchor at EC.RR.COM
Sat Jun 23 16:06:16 EDT 2001
HI Ron,
Not only do I remember it, I built one in 1956, using a 6L6. I've been on
the lookout for one of those mags for a long time, but haven't found one yet.
Yes, all wood chassis, xmtr & p.s. Mine produced such horrendous TVI, and
regularly shattered xtals, so I never actually used it on the air. Don't know
what happened to it, but I kept & used the p.s. for a long time for misc
projects & bench use, then who knows where it went.
A high school friend of mine had built one a yr or 2 earlier & gave me the
coils for it. He said his actually worked & was used.
If you find the info, I'd love to have a copy of the pages, just for the
nostalgia attacks.
Al, W8UT
New Bern, NC
BoatAnchors appreciated here
anchor at ec.rr.com
And remember; "-They donĀ“t make tubes nowadays like they used to..."
----- Original Message -----
From: "Ron Evans" <cosmos41 at IX.NETCOM.COM>
> HOW TO THE POINT: I remember a homebrew Novice transmitter appearing in
> one of these publications around 1957. The transmitter was built on two
> slats of wood laid horizontally across two wooden end pieces. That
> formed the "chassis"...there was a gap between the two horiz. slats. I
> believe the tank coil was "basket wound" around dowel rods and the only
> tube in the transmitter was a 6L6, but I'm not certain of that last
> "memory." Nearly half a century downstream from the "boy" who never
> built that little transmitter, I now want to do exactly that.
> If anyone still has that publication (or reprint of the article), I
> would love to purchase it or a copy of the article from you. I don't
> remember anything about the simple power supply, so if you have that
> information also, that would be grrrrrrrrrr8t!
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