Need Help - Breting 12 Receiver

David Hollander n7rk at DANCRIS.COM
Sat Jun 30 13:42:19 EDT 2001

Finished recapping my Breting 12 receiver and it plays great on AM. With
the 10 inch electrodynamic speaker, it sounds better than my
SX-28...really! This is a 12 tube radio with a chrome chassis from
around 1935 covering 550 to 30 MHz

The problem is the BFO. When it is switched on, it works but their is  a
loud hum and the signals sound like a raw ac note. The paper caps were
replaced - the mica's are original.

Here is the schematic if it might help anyone with giving me
suggestions. It is in two pieces for better resolution.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

If anyone has a Breting 12 or any of the other Breting receivers, I
would be interested in their comments as to performance. problems, etc.

Thanks and 73,

Dave N7RK

Dave  N7RK -  Webmaster CADXA
Phoenix, Arizona         *DXCC Honor Roll*    *WAZ#23 - 75 Meter SSB*

            ex-XE2/N7RK, N7RK/ZB2, VK2ERK, ZM0AJN, WB6NRK, WN6IWX

Boatanchor Collector Extraordinaire preferring Hallicrafters, National
and what ever else looks interesting!

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