BAMA March Update

Kenneth D. Grimm, K4XL kgrimm at ADELPHIA.NET
Sun Mar 4 11:06:50 EST 2001

Most of the problems with BAMA have been addressed by the networks
administrator at SBC.  The number of simultaneous ftp connections has
been increased to ten and the latest version of the ftp software has
been installed.  This should help those of you who have been beating on
an unopening door!  No problems have been observed at my location using
IE 5.0, IE 5.5 or Netscape 4.7.  IE users should be able to view DjVu
files now.  It is difficult to say how much of this success is due to
the fact that it is now Spring Break and the use of Napster is at an all
time low on the SBC servers. :-)  Do your downloading during the next
week and you will probably have a fairly fast service.

The following have been added recently to the BAMA collection and can be
downloaded without cost:

Alpha 78
B&K 747 tube tester Missing page 14 added to folder
Boonton Model 202-B AM & FM Signal Generator.
Drake 1-A, SPR-4, SC-2, SC-6, TC-2
Eddystone 840-C receiver
EICO 625 Tube Tester and  667-05 Tube Charts
Gonset Commander VFO and  VPS-T91
Hallicrafters S-37, S-38 Service Bulletin No. 2, S-38B, S-38D, S-38E
Hallicrafters SR-46, SX-24
Hammarlund HQ-150, RDF-10, SP-600-JX-17 Illustrated Parts Catalog
Heath GD-1B, GD-125, DX-100U, HM-2140, HM-2141, IG-102
Heath IT-28, IT-5283, TC-1 tube tester. Obsolete tube data sheets.
Heath TT-1 tube tester and Supplementary Data files
Hickok 870 Transistor Tester.
HP 2001 Audio Generator.
HyGain HH6BA and 18-AVT.
Johnson Viking Adventurer
Knight R-55A and  V44 VFO.
Meck T-60 transmitter.
Morrow MBR 5
National NC-57B, NC-57M, NC-200,
National NC-300 receiver Factory service notes
National NCX-5, RDF-66.
National Radio Institute Tube Tester Model 68.
Paco C-25 In-Circuit Capacitor Checker.
Panoramic Panadaptor Model PCA-2.
Precision EV-10 VTVM and model 98 VTVM.
Precision tube testers, 10-12, 10-15, 10-20, 10-22 and 10-54 tube data
RAZ-1 or Radiomarine Corporation model 8503.
Sprague TO-6 Capacitor Analyzer.
Weston 798 Tube Tester
VEB T-188 Receiver
Waters Model 361 Codax Automatic Keyer.

Ken K4XL
k4xl at
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