TV-3 TV-10 tester info update...

Nolan Lee nlee at GS.VERIO.NET
Fri Mar 23 14:57:53 EST 2001

Looks like there was a pretty good number of the beasts built and
they weren't as expensive as I'd have thought. Also, the TV-3/U
was a lot older than I though. Can anyone fill in any of the

                                March 23rd, 2001
                                nlee at

So far, I know of the following contract and production number
range for the TV-3 and TV-10 series. Let's fill in the blanks,
especially if you have a higher or lower serial number, or a
different contract number or any other additional information
that will round the file out.

TV-3/U  by Hickok with contract number of NObsr 42087
dated 27 Jan 1948 -- Manual is NAVSHIPS 91254
    No SN info yet.

TV-3A/U by Hickok with contract number of NObsr 43282
dated 18 May 1949 -- Manual is NAVSHIPS 91435
    No SN info yet.

TV-3A/U by Hickok with contract number of NObsr 49238
dated 30 Jun 1950 -- Manual is NAVSHIPS ?????
    SN 728 only one reported so far.

TV-3B/U by Hickok with contract number of NObsr 52672
dated 25 Jun 1951 -- Manual is NAVSHIPS 91747
    SN 886 only one reported so far.

TV-3B/U by Hickok with contract number of NObsr 57554
dated ?? ??? 19?? -- Manual is NAVSHIPS ?????
    Low  SN 1296
    High SN 1690

TV-3C/U by Jetronic with contract number of NObsr 59586
dated 23 Dec 1952 -- Manual is NAVSHIPS 92193
Original cost was $190.00.
    Low  SN  69 Transformer stamped  MFP  May 1954
    High SN  2074

TV-10/U by Forway Industries with contract number of NObsr 64838
dated 30 Jun 1955 -- Manual is NAVSHIPS 93021
Original cost was $108.90
    SN 69 only one reported so far.

TV-10/U also possible additional contract number of NObsr 75157
    Need more info on this one.

TV-10A/U by Hickok with contract number of NObsr 71284
dated ?? ??? 19?? -- Manual is NAVSHIPS 93069
Original cost was $113.68
    SN 1622 only one reported so far.

TV-10A/U by Hickok with contract number of NObsr 71374
dated ?? ??? 19?? -- Manual is NAVSHIPS 93069
Original cost was $113.68
    No SN info yet.

TV-10A/U by J H Keeney with contract number of NObsr 81409
dated ?? ??? 19?? -- Manual is NAVSHIPS 93069
Original cost was $150.93
    No SN info yet.

TV-10B/U by Jetronic with contract number of NObsr 75157
dated ?? ??? 19?? -- Manual is NAVSHIPS ?????
Original cost was $136.00
    No SN info yet.

TV-10B/U by Jetronic with contract number of NObsr 75721
dated ?? ??? 19?? -- Manual is NAVSHIPS ?????
Original cost was $159.00
    No SN info yet.

TV-10C/U by Forway with contract number of NObsr 71761
dated ?? ??? 19?? -- Manual is NAVSHIPS 93400
Original cost was $187.00
    No SN info yet.

TV-10D/U by Western Reserve with contract number of 85308
dated ?? ??? 19?? -- Manual is NAVSHIPS 93069 with suppl.
Original cost was $???.??
    Low SN A4 is in my possession.
    SN A18
    SN A225
    SN A245
    High SN A680

TV-10D/U by Western Reserve with contract number of 87455
dated ?? ??? 19?? -- Manual is NAVSHIPS 93069 with suppl.
Original cost was $???.??
    Low  SN B329
    SN B400
    SN B435
    High SN B496

Rather than clog the list, please email your responses to me.
The data will be posted on my TV-3/TV-10 page as I compile it.


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