FPM-200 & topic

Mike Feher n4fs at MONMOUTH.COM
Tue May 29 13:52:35 EDT 2001

Al -

You are correct, that is what I was thinking about. I thought this was the
same reflector since "boatanchors" was in the title. I guess I am safe, HI.
73 - Mike

Mike B. Feher, N4FS
89 Arnold Blvd.
Howell NJ, 07731
(732) 901-9193

----- Original Message -----
From: "anchor" <anchor at ec.rr.com>
To: "Mike Feher" <n4fs at monmouth.com>; <BOATANCHORS at LISTSERV.TEMPE.GOV>;
<rjohnson at ICI.NET>
Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2001 1:41 PM
Subject: Re: Re: FPM-200 & topic

> Mike,
>     I think you're thinking abt the BASWAPlist that Gen Rippen hosts.
> Unless something's changed here, discussion is one of the reasons for this
> I copy below, an old, edited, msg fron the manager:
> =======
> Tue, 7 Jul 1998
> From: ai7r <ai7r at PRESENCEKNOWN.COM>
> Subject:      Boatanchors list definition - List Admin
> Here is the definition that I think everyone can live with.  Here goes....
> Old radios, primarily used for communication by Amateurs or military of
> country:
> -that have at least four tubes in them
> -or is over 30 years old
> Now, let's get back to talking about, buying, selling, and restoring these
> neat old radios.
> 73
> Dave
> AI7R
> ========
> 73,
> Al, W8UT
> New Bern, NC
> BoatAnchors appreciated here
> anchor at ec.rr.com
> http://www.thecompendium.net/radio/
> And remember; "-They don´t make tubes nowadays like they used to..."

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