FS - switches, cool homebrewer osc. parts etc.

Brian Carling bcarling at CFL.RR.COM
Wed May 30 18:10:00 EDT 2001

For Sale:

Ceramic switches. CRL, Oak etc. These look small to medium power switches,
probably good for 600-800V,  perhaps more. Standard 1/4" shafts.

Price is $3.00 each
a)  3P 5T with 1/2" long shaft
b)  2P 6T with 2" long shaft
c)  4P 6T with 2" long shaft
d)  4P 3T with 3/8" long shaft
e)  2P 1T with 1/2" long shaft
f)  Larger, 1000V switch, Oddball 5-position 2 section.
One opens while others close etc.
Price for the above bunch of 6 is $3.00 each, or the whole
bunch for $15.00 if someone would like them all...

I also have:

g) 3P 6T Larger rotary ceramic switch extra heavy duty contacts,
suitable for small amplifier or bandswitching antenna tuner etc.
Standard 1/4" shaft that is 5/8" long.
QTY 2  at $5.00 each

h) 6P 5T medium size ceramic rotary switch with 1" shaft
Will sell for $4.00

i) 4P 5T medium size ceramic rotary switch with 3/8" long shaft.
Will sell for $3.00

j) 4P DT medium size ceramic rotary switch with 3/8" long shaft, mounted
   on a small bracket approx 2-5/8" X 1-1/2" with a 1/2" wide flange for
   mounting on your chassis or panel.
Will sell for $3.00

If someone would like the second bunch of 5 larger switches I will sell them all
together for $16.00

Shipping $4.00 additional on all individual switches or $5.00 shipping
per batch order.

Now an INTERESTING vintage solid state item:

International Crystal CO. type OT-61 oscillator, brand new, never opened
package.  Unit covers 60-100 MHz with HC-6/U crystal installed.
This is a circuit board with all components installed - caps, coils, resistors, transistors
It comes with the complete original instructions and the special MT-2
mounting bracket, edge connector kit etc.  All are in the original packaging.
Will sell for $8.00 plus shipping

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