Hickock 605 Tube Tester Question

Fred Olsen fwolsen at EXECPC.COM
Tue Nov 6 10:42:04 EST 2001

> "Freeberg, Scott (STP)" wrote:
> I bought a Hickock 605 tube tester ... was much surprised to watch
> the tube pins literally drop into the tester tube socket.

Scott, it's not at all unusual for sockets on a well-used tube tester to
be that worn out.  The commercial testers used mostly standard sockets
which were not intended for thousands of insertions.  That's why things
like Pomona Socket Savers were invented.  It's much easier to bolt in a
new insert than to change out a panel socket - especially on a Hickok.

All the inserts I ever saw used standard pins as they were made from
normal tube 'plug bases'.  Your sockets would seem to be just worn out,
and perhaps the original owner never bothered with inserts.  The catch
is that even if you find some new Socket Savers (I'd suggest not
spending money on used ones), you'll still need to change the sockets
first.  Not for the faint of heart, but with care it'll be fine.
Document every step of the access/removal/rewiring process carefully.

For whomever is going to suggest soldering in Savers from the top -
don't.  I've seen it, it only works for a while, it's a mess to undo.
An unsatisfactory solution.

Best of luck with it,

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