Hickock 605 Tube Tester Question

Freeberg, Scott (STP) Scott.Freeberg at GUIDANT.COM
Tue Nov 6 09:31:53 EST 2001


I bought a Hickock 605 tube tester last spring, kept using my TV-7 until
recently, then opened up the 605 to give it a try on a 7 or 9 pin tube.  I
was much surprised to watch the tube pins literally drop into the tester
tube socket.  There is zero capture of any pins.  The tube just kind of
flops around in the socket and can't even stand up straight.  I can't
imagine that all terminals would be fatigued so equally through normal use
so I was wondering if there might have been some tube adapter with big fat
pins on it that might have been plugged in there.   Maybe the socket was
getting worn and so adapters were used to provide fresh contacts.  I seem to
recall seeing a Hickock 600 one time with some sort of adapter chassis
plugged into it.

Do you think this could be the case?  It looks like I'll be replacing the

73,  Scott WA9WFA

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