urgent items we are researching for the musem.
ed sharpe
esharpe at USWEST.NET
Mon Oct 15 23:55:09 EDT 2001
Greetings! Tonight we have 2 separate research pleas... we are looking for
info on the wwII voice of America station ksai in saipan there is a ksai
there now that is a religious station but we need info on when it was a voa
station. check www.smecc.org under afrs/afrts/voa for some great water
cooled transmitter photos from this voa station. there are also some new
afrs photos in the afrs section including a great mobile broadcasting
studio! ( I want it!)
We are looking for any info relating to the McCarty Wireless Telephone
Please call us or drop a letter if you have any material relating to McCarty
thanks ed sharpe archivist for smecc
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