E.F. Johnson Rotomatic

Debby and Dave Anderson danderso at EROLS.COM
Mon Sep 24 02:49:35 EDT 2001

Folks, I recently acquired a very interesting rotator and controller.

It is a Rotomatic, manufactured by E.F. Johnson.

The rotator is a beast, weighing about 50 lbs, and uses a 110VAC motor
with a right angle drive to turn a worm gear which turns the rotor
turntable. the turntable is about 12 inches square and 3/8" thick, and
the whole unit is incredibly strong and powerful.
The person that I bought it from told me that he had rescued it from a
car dealership, where they were actually using it to support and rotate
an automobile on display.

The rotor position is displayed using selsyns, and the unit seems to
have been able to feed RF through the turntable through a pair of 2"
holes in the turntable and some sort of slip ring assembly which is now
missing or badly mangled.

The Control unit is a steel slope-front box about 6" square and 6" high.
The sloped face has a backlit 'dial' marked in 10 degree increments and
the selsyn pointer under a glass bezel. The front face has a toggle
power switch, a ccw-off-cw rotation switch, and a
toggle switch labeled 'relay', all mounted on an engraved plate.

Does anyone have any information on this unit ??
A manual would be wonderful, parts info would be . . . well ok,
but even hearing from someone who has or had one would be nice.

Thanks for your help

Dave Anderson

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