DX-100 Parts

Glen Zook gzook at YAHOO.COM
Wed Feb 13 23:02:26 EST 2002

A while back, I had to purchase a "package" of parts
and assemblies from a "parted out" DX-100 to get a
"new" meter for mine.  I have the following items for
the DX-100:


Final amplifier tube socket assembly (for the 6146s)

Driver transformer for the modulator

Meter Switch

160 meter loading coil

Driver plate coil (80 through 15 meter - 10 meter is a
separate coil)

Crystal switch

Miscellaneous chokes as used on the accessory socket,

Also, I have new reproduction calibration dials for
the VFO.  These are made of heavier plastic than the
originals and have a metal plate in the center for the
vernier.  $34.95 post paid CONUS, $37.95 US post paid
Canada, $37.83 post paid Texas residents.

In addition, reproduction "fiducial" plates (the green
plate that fits behind the calibration dial with the
"slit" in it).  These are of heavier plastic than the
original and have a "green" overlay instead of being
solid green.  $10.00 post paid CONUS, $12.00 US post
paid Canada, $10.83 post paid Texas residents.

Special, both pieces:  $40.00 post paid CONUS, $43.00
US post paid Canada, $43.30 post paid Texas residents.

Glen, K9STH

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