Hammarlund S200 Speaker back?

Larry Keith kq4by at ROCKETMAIL.COM
Thu Oct 3 11:09:27 EDT 2002

As previously stated, I am dusting off things, in the
shack, and getting them back in order..

I just got to my Hammarlund S-200 speaker..  It appears
that it should have a back.  There are threaded holes in
the cabinet for such an item.

But, since I have never seen a Hammarlund speaker with a
back, I assume that it was common practice to discard them?

And, if anyone can enlighten me as to the appearance and
composition of the back material, I would appreciate it!


Larry, KQ4BY

Larry Keith

kq4by at rocketmail.com

l.d.keith at worldnet.att.net
478-957-3734 (cell)
478-329-0030 (home)

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