FS:Eldico Twins

Robert A. Craft, Sr. craftsr at AOL.COM
Tue Oct 29 11:04:57 EST 2002

I have decided to sell my Eldico Twins, Eldico Power Supply and Eldico
Control Unit.

All cabinets have been repainted to the Collins S-Line color.  All panels
have been repainted to the Collins S-Line color and silk-screened.  The
receiver does not have a CW filter.  The receiver works great.  The
transmitter is working, but has low output on 20 Meters.  All knobs are metal
and have been repainted.  The rubber feet are new and all match.  The AC
power cables are new.  The chassis are clean, but not shinny.

I am asking $1500.00 plus packing, insurance and shipping.

Are you interested, or do you know someone that is?  Contact me via telephone
(209-951-1600) or email (craftsr at aol.com).

Regards, Robert, W6FAH

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