Tubular capacitors for HO-10/SB-610 High Voltage

Larry Knapp kc8jx at YAHOO.COM
Wed Jan 8 18:10:57 EST 2003

To all who responded regarding my search for the two high voltage capacitors
used in the high voltage section of the HO-10 and SB-610 monitor scopes.....I
thank you all for your wise consul.  Several valuable resources found and all
were most helpful.  Hopefully, these units can now be fixed.

These caps (Heath p/n 23-94, .15 mfd @ 1600V; 23-29 .1 mfd @ 1200V) are not
easy to find.....these caps are just tubular ones...not electrolytics (thanks
Jim, WB2FCN).  Most suggested series connections with two or more caps with
lower voltage ratings to get to the appropriate capacitance and voltage ratings
(or series/parallel combinations).  There are sources for 630V caps that could
be used from Mouser, and Antique Electronics to name only two....Antique
requires minimum order amounts.  One local source (Ron, WM8Z, RTO electronics)
uses series connected caps in repair of these specific units.  The only source
I could find that has these specific capacitance values and voltage ratings is:
Allied Electronics
# 591-6120 (0.15 mf @ 2000v) $3.56 each
# 591-6055 (0.1 mf @ 1200v) $2.69 each
However, I have not ordered from them before and do not know if they have a
minimum order or not, but I believe they do.

Another valuable suggestion I received is to replace the 330K resistors and the
3.3M resistor with at least a 1 watt.  In addition, it may be the appropriate
time to check and possibily replace the power supply diodes....a possible
replacement is Mouser 583-R2000F, 2000V PIV, .20 A $.35 ea.

Hope this helps others looking to fix their monitor scopes...perhaps mine will
even work again. To all again, thanks.
73, Larry KC8JX

May your days be full of sunshine and good thoughts fill your head.
From: Larry Knapp, KC8JX, St. Joseph, Mi  49085
  Best 73's

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