[Boatanchors] Re: GB> Crystal "drive level" question

Ray Colbert w5xe at JUNO.COM
Wed Nov 26 13:22:52 EST 2003

Mike W3IRZ (sk) of the North Georgia
QRP club put in series with the crystal socket
either a #47 bulb or a low ohm resistor - I thought
he said at one time a 10K but it might have been
a 10 also.  He made some nice glowbug transmitters
that I think are still viewable on the north Georgia site
at:  NoGaQRP at mailman.qth.net
Anyway, I used a 10K (plan to try a lesser resistance
soon)  on my Knight T60 with some of the little HC49
crystals (repackaged inside the FT241 case and have
had no problems. The FT241 offers a bit more space
inside than the 243 but the pin spacing is the same.

"Politicians are like nappies.  Both should be
changed regularly -- and for the same reason"
"Scotsman - Scotsman's Diary 12/97"
Ray Colbert, W5XE, OOTC#3618, SOWP#1064M GQRP 6115
fp #111 ARCI-5784 NCT2R El Paso,(FAR WEST) TEXAS

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