ART-13 and Power Supply

Bob Peters rwpeters at SWBELL.NET
Mon Dec 6 20:20:25 EST 2004

Have an ART-13 and PS F/S...Is on the air now at my buddy's house..Has original
power cable and connector.  The Modulator  Speech amp has been
modified.  Best mike
used on this so far is a D104 amplified.  Have used a Behringer Mixer as
well with a Heil Goldline
and sounds great.  Price is $600.00 picked up in the Dallas area or can
ship. The PS is big and heavy
and on roll around casters.  Needs a good home folks...Can make a sched
most anytime...
By the way auto tune works great!!!

Very Best 73's
Bob Peters-W1PE
ARRL ASM, President
QCWA Chapter 41
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