BC-669 F/S

Bob Peters rwpeters at SWBELL.NET
Mon Dec 20 19:04:39 EST 2004

I have a very nice BC-669n or SCR 543 F/S here in the Dallas area...This is
not theHalli Version but is the Echophone version as I understand it is a
latter model...This has a pair of 807's with 4 6L6 modulators...
The receiver  is a 7 tube superhet that goes from 1.8 to 4.5 ...I do have a
box of xtals and the power cord...Do not have the wooden case or
the  remote head.. Will include a T-17 mike with it...
Asking $175.00  ... Will send pixs to any one interested...

Very Best 73's
Bob Peters-W1PE
ARRL ASM, President
QCWA Chapter 41
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