D-104 elements

Don Buska d.buska at ADVANTEST.COM
Thu Jan 29 12:32:33 EST 2004


As others have pointed out other elements would work.  Although I'm not to sure how
well they all may do.  I've bought some bargin crystal cartridges in the past and as
expected they don't sound anywhere as nice as those good'ol D-104 units.

With that said though, D-104's appear on eBay all the time (try between 5 and 10 per
day) and sell for between $20 and $40 each (Good Sliver Eagle versions around $80 and
good Gold Eagles well over $100).  That's pretty much what you see them at swapfests
for.  Now I think the last time I bought a new crystal cartiridge from AES in
Milwaukee it was around $20 alone.  I'm sure good quality units from other
manufacturers will run you at least that.  So for a few buck more you get alot of
other spare parts and/or a whole second mic.

I don't think we have to worry about the cartridges for a long time.  I've yet had one
fail, but I'm sure they do.  So I'd suggest just buying a crappy scratched up D-104
off eBay.  Heck a really beat one might be had for $10 since us BA folks would rather
have the older non-amplified crystal versions anyways.


Don N9OO

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