D-104 elements

Brian Carling bcarling at CFL.RR.COM
Sat Jan 31 23:06:19 EST 2004

On 29 Jan 2004 at 13:12, Don Buska wrote:

> There is no reason why a D-104
> shouldn't go across the country, packed well, for more than six to
> seven bucks.

Don I agree with everything else you said, but that is not
quite right about the shipping cost nowadays.
Most of the carriers just had a noticeable increase.
Let's say that the D-104 package weighs 8 pounds
by the time you pack it. It could actually be a little more
than 8 pounds, but if we assume 8 pounds...

USPS Priority Mail is about $17.25
USPS Parcel Post is about $16.40
UPS Ground is about $12.55
Fedex Ground is about $9.00

If you could get it sent for $6 or $7 that would be nice.

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