D-104 elements

Edwin J Forwood e.j.forwood at JUNO.COM
Sat Jan 31 23:41:39 EST 2004

I'm not really complaining about the shipping costs,  I just wanted to
point out everyone seems to forget that the low cost selling price of an
item is not often the total cost of acquiring it.  The total cost of an
item is everything that it costs to get it in your hands.
73 de Jerry, KØEJF

On Sat, 31 Jan 2004 23:06:19 -0500 Brian Carling <bcarling at CFL.RR.COM>
> On 29 Jan 2004 at 13:12, Don Buska wrote:
> > There is no reason why a D-104
> > shouldn't go across the country, packed well, for more than six
> to
> > seven bucks.
> Don I agree with everything else you said, but that is not
> quite right about the shipping cost nowadays.
> Most of the carriers just had a noticeable increase.
> Let's say that the D-104 package weighs 8 pounds
> by the time you pack it. It could actually be a little more
> than 8 pounds, but if we assume 8 pounds...
> USPS Priority Mail is about $17.25
> USPS Parcel Post is about $16.40
> UPS Ground is about $12.55
> Fedex Ground is about $9.00
> If you could get it sent for $6 or $7 that would be nice.
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