More Frequencies for FT243 Crystals FS

Brian Carling bcarling at CFL.RR.COM
Thu May 20 17:40:42 EDT 2004

Some more FT243 Crystals For Sale:

1815, 1822, 3530, 3700, 3703, 3705, 3855, 3870, 3875, 3890,
7015, 7032, 7123, 7143, 7252.5, 7255, 7260, 7270, 7280, 7293 kHz

What additional frequencies would be useful?
Note that four of the 40m phone crystals are intended as
multipliers for 10 meter AM usage. 7143 = multiplier for 20m AM.

I am now taking orders for the above for delivery in mid-July.
Plenty of each of the above will be available. they are installe dwith robust new
HC49 crystals inside and will work with all
popular circuits. Have been used successfully in many rigs,
including DX35, DX60, DX100, Globe 500, HT40 etc.
Will not work in an 813 power oscillator.

Again the price is $9.00 each plus $3.00 for USA shipping
(regardless of quantity)

All of the other crystal orders that have been placed will be
shippng out soon. For delivery schedule updates see:

E-mail me and let me know what other frequencies you would like.
73 - Brian, AF4K

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