40M report from last night

Brian Carling bcarling at CFL.RR.COM
Fri Sep 24 18:24:25 EDT 2004

On 24 Sep 2004 at 15:57, Wd4nka at aol.com wrote:

> ******* I remember this discussion a couple years ago on this list.
> We were referring to them as the "Mexican Police".  Whoever they
> are, they've been there for some time, now.  Some of you california
> kilowatters and you texas power-towers, and a few of you high-power
> guys from the east coast and mid west ought to park yourselves
> around them and have a high-power cw net.  At least a couple of ya's
> might make their bootleg operation a bit frustrating.

Agreed. Use it or lose it guys.
We acan all make a difference by at minimum, occasionally
occupying good old 7050!

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