Wanted ARC-5 RF Current Meter

J. Forster jfor at QUIK.COM
Thu Apr 14 12:11:56 EDT 2005

In the BC-442 there is an RF isolation transformer between the meter circuit and
the RF terminals. The reason is so that the meter guts are not at RF potentials.
Many RF ammeters use thermocouples which are hard to insulate from the RF to the
DC terminals, hence the use of a transformer. The transformer can also scale up or
down the RF current to suite the meter.


Linden, Jerome wrote:

> I have a 10 amp RF current meter I would like to try.  Is the meter just
> put in line with the RF path?  What sort of Power out would max at 10
> amps. Tnx...
> JR Linden   K7PUR

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