Two questions

Stu Lyon w6cux at EARTHLINK.NET
Fri Dec 23 00:18:48 EST 2005

Several have set me the link to but, starting a 
couple of days ago, I haven't been able to bring them up. I 
have tried on a couple of computers and using both Internet 
Exployer and Mozilla FireFox. I've beginning to think they 
have black-balled me for using them so often.

I'm aware of Mouser (I have their 1650 pg catalog at my 
elbow) but it's a lot easier to order one thing rather than 
50 or 100 entries.

Another company I like is Radio Daze. They have stuff like 
1/4" shaft pots ($1.69), power transformers and dial cord. 
But no resistor kits.

Thanks es 73, Stu W6CUX

Glen Zook wrote:
> is still very much alive and "kicking".  If
> all else fails, use as the URL.
> Mouser at has all sorts of
> resistors including power resistors.  In fact, I
> ordered some various value 2 watt resistors a week ago
> and got them the next day.
> Glen, K9STH
> --- Stu Lyon <s.d.lyon at EARTHLINK.NET> wrote:
> 1. What happened to The ARRL link to the FCC
> list and Buckmaster are still active but I always
> liked that QTH-finder better.
> 2. Where can I find 1 and 2-watt resistor assortments?
> I can find plenty of 1/4 and 1/2 watt assortments from
> R/S and others but nothing higher.
> Glen, K9STH

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