Gonset amp question

Peter A Markavage pmarkavage at JUNO.COM
Sat Dec 31 19:57:28 EST 2005

Gonset 903A, put out about 500W PEP, was a square box, had a meter on the
face, but no carrying handle. You need both hands to carry this thing.
Maybe it was one of their business band amplifiers. They also had a
square box amp, window in the front panel, no meter, that was targeted
for the Communicator I, II, and III series.

Pete, wa2cwa

On Sat, 31 Dec 2005 16:05:58 -0700 rayfri <rayfri at HIGHSTREAM.NET> writes:
> Anyone familiar with a 2 meter amplifier that was manufactured by 
> Gonset 
> that reportedly put out 500 watts?
> Looking for a model number and any information.    Maybe I'm 
> mistaken 
> and it was less power out....
> It was the square box amplifier .... had a meter on the face ... and 
> something that looked like a carrying handle on the front of it.
> Ray  WA7ITZ

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