Halli HA1 Keyer help

Rinkie & Ron Pollack rinkies at ADELPHIA.NET
Sun Jul 10 23:08:12 EDT 2005

Any experts out there on this item?

I can't get the weight and balance to work.  The dots are too short (when
measured on an ohmmeter, cannot get half scale.)  Did the balance procedure
per manual.  It works, but the space between constant on and where the dash
starts is only about 20 degrees of rotation.  I seem to remember a bigger
gap.  I replaced V3, and substituted for the other tubes, with no change.
Measured the voltages, and pin 7 (grid of V3A) should be -12, but is -40.
Checked the resistances of all the associated resistors, and they seem ok.
Only discrepancy is that the balance pot, 500K, measures only 300K.  I don't
remember ever having a pot change so much!  I'll replace it, but need to be
sure that it's a linear taper, and what wattage is appropriate.
Any help or ideas out there?


Ron K2RP

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