Brian Carling bcarling at CFL.RR.COM
Wed Jul 20 17:46:05 EDT 2005

Thanks Glen -  Sheesh!

Your tax dollars at work again...

I wonder where all the "KNOW CODE" arguments went? You would think 
reading this expensive
FCC document that NO ONE wanted a code requirement any more.  I find 
that HARD to believe.
Looks like ARRL and TAPR are one nmow anyway, and well... ya can't stand 
in the way of "progress."
THIS op does not support the idea of removing the morse testing 
requirement, period.

"FCC" writes:
"The record before us shows that the amateur service community generally 
supports removing the telegraphy
requirement as one of the requirements for General Class operator 
privileges.   Accordingly, we propose to revise
Section 97.501  to remove the five wpm telegraphy examination from the 
requirements for a General Class operator license. "

Yep - FCC has been being way too hard on 'em!  I guess that ole 5 wpm 
requirement was just
TOO DOGGONE DIFFICULT  for these trendy 21st Century General Class 
especially the ones on 75m SSB, LOL!

Glen Zook wrote:

>This comes down as a Word document.  However, if
>adopted it makes the know-code / no-code discussions
>Glen, K9STH
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