AM alive on 20m tonight!

Brian Carling bcarling at CFL.RR.COM
Fri Jun 3 22:04:07 EDT 2005

Wow - 20m sure is in fine condition tonight.... It's almost 10 pm EDST 
and I am hearing some good
AM signals on 14286 kcs.

K0ZL is running about RS 58. Bill running a Valiant at 140 watts to a 
G5RV and an NC300

W8NWF is actually on 14287 kcs. but still being hear well here in 
Florida about RS 59.
Using an ELMAC transmitter and SB610 scope, plus an RME 6900 receiver.
He's using some kind of a vertical tower and 36 fence posts
with 70 foot wires attached.

So good to hear these guys going at it on AM!

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