Looking for Amperex 8509 VHF Power tube data sheet

Brian AF4K bcarling at CFL.RR.COM
Sun Sep 4 07:34:44 EDT 2005

Hey Bob - That's a tough one... 

Sorry I can't help...

For MOST tubes, it's 
pretty easy to run down data sheets on the internet.
For most tubes OTHER than the 8509, you can download 
and install TDSL = 
"Tube Data Sheet Locator" from Duncan Amps.


73 - Brian, AF4K
Central Florida

On 3 Sep 2005 at 23:39, Bob And Bettina Groh wrote:

> Ladies and gentleman,
> I am looking for a data sheet (actually copy thereof) for an Amperex 
> 8509 RF vacuum tube. Believe this is a VHF power tube. Found one in my 
> 'collection' and would like to identify it a little more precisely. I 
> think (dangerous as that sometimes is) that I used this way back in the 
> early 70's when I was doing some design work on a commerical VHF FM 
> radio. Don't remember any more than that. I have tried 'googling' it and 
> find sources for the tube but no data sheet info. All leads most 
> gratefully received.
> 73 de WA2CKY
> Bob Groh
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