
Glen Zook gzook at YAHOO.COM
Sat Apr 15 19:24:01 EDT 2006

Unfortunately, there are a number of amateur radio
operators who prey on widows and the elderly.  They
come in and "offer" to take all that "old junk" off of
their hands for a paltry sum.  Then, within just a few
days all of that equipment is up for sale or on eBay
for MANY times what was paid for the equipment.

Although I plan on being around for several more
decades, I have made arrangements with a couple of
amateurs (one about my age and one considerably
younger) to handle disposition of my equipment if
something does happen to me.  I have a list with all
of the major items listed with 3 prices:  One that is
"top dollar", one that is a "fair price", and a bottom
dollar not to take any less than.

I made this list while in the hospital getting ready
for a quad-bypass operation several years ago.  This
was "just in case".  I update the list periodically. 
Also, I have a list of people not to even let get near
my equipment!  I know how they operate!

Glen, K9STH

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