Wither ESRC tubes?

Brian Carling bcarling at CFL.RR.COM
Fri Aug 25 23:22:31 EDT 2006

Todd - the 4-landers in Florida are still QRV for you on the 
FLORIDA BOATANCHORS GROUP, but I see you still haven't 
joined up,
so again I will relay for you.
I am doped up here following surgery so I hope this wasn't rude.

Todd, KA1KAQ = ka1kaq at GMAIL.COM writes:

> On 8/20/06, Brian Carling <bcarling at cfl.rr.com> wrote:
> > Very good Gary - yes, and they have a little antique and ham
> > radio swapfest there about twice a year in the parking lot of ESRC.
> > It's sponsored by the Florida Antique Wireless Group - F.A.W.G.
> >
> > See some of you there!
> Hey Brian and other Florida 4-Landers:
> The house went on the market today, so it's just a matter of time
> until I'm down in your neighborhood. Attended the Orlando 'fester on
> Friday of couple of years back, but was disappointed by the turnout
> (I've been spoiled by Hosstraders, no doubt). Will be looking forward
> to meeting up with some of you and learning the ropes for the area,
> like where the good 'fests and surplus places are and when/where
> you're on the air in AM mode. I sometimes here a Florida station here
> in VT, but seldom. Hopefully there's a lot of activity and I'm just
> not hearing it up this way.
> Hopefully there'll be some VHF activity too. Up this way it's
> basically 2m CB and the occasional corntest. Very little activity
> overall.
> 73, Todd/'Boomer'  KA1KAQ

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