Orlando Lunch Eyeball QSO

Todd, KA1KAQ ka1kaq at GMAIL.COM
Mon Feb 13 12:08:48 EST 2006

Hey Brian -

Can certainly relate to Bob's comments, having driven there from Tampa
last year through some crazy traffic!

I'd be curious to hear an overall report of the 'fester and gear seen.
If I'd been more on the ball, I'd have gotten down there this year too
(on Saturday, at that).

By the looks of the wx, it was chilly down there (to you folks) again
this year? Friday 2005 was sunny, blue skies, maybe low/mid-50s and
breezy. I recall some guy selling tubes inside, several tables
arranged in a block with a large, 'slightly organized' assortment.

de Todd/'Boomer'  KA1KAQ

On 2/13/06, Brian Carling <bcarling at cfl.rr.com> wrote:
> Hey Bob - sorry you couldn't make it.
> We only had 8 people show up this year and only 6 of us
> made it into the group photo, but we made up for it by eating
> a lot, hi hi!

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