doc kd4e at VERIZON.NET
Sun Feb 19 18:52:04 EST 2006

Please, let's not go there!  We need to disagree without
becoming disagreeable.

Ham tradition is that no mode has a superior "right" to
exclusive spectrum access privileges without creating an
equal right to all others to demand the same.

If those who are fond of one mode request unlimited
access to any and all Ham spectrum then it is not
unreasonable for those who prefer another mode to do
the same.  (The FCC will then have to sort out the
competing demands or do as they did re. wideband SSB
and say that it was up to operators to use reasonable
discretion and to then wash their hands of the matter.)

The reality is that certain different modes cannot
well co-exist and thus it does make good technical
sense to separate them until technology permits them
to co-exist (intelligent filters).


73, doc kd4e

>     If that's your standpoint you've just been crossed off my list of
> rational people (not that you ever were on it).
> 73,
> Al, W8UT
>> No I think we need to reserve the right to use AM anywhere we want.

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