SSB ops clear down to 7000 kHz on 40m, Grrrr

Glen Zook gzook at YAHOO.COM
Fri Jan 20 11:20:26 EST 2006

Come on over to my house and I'll turn on my Collins
75S-3A with the 200 Hz filter that came in it from the
factory.  We will then see about copying a CW signal
through an SSB signal.

You cannot do this with the wider SSB filters that
most equipment use for CW receiving.  But, with a
good, narrow, filter you can most certainly copy a CW
signal through an SSB signal.

Been doing it for decades.

Also, those people with a good cebreal filter can also
copy CW through SSB.  

Glen, K9STH

--- "Mike D." <hrg at CIFNET.COM> wrote:

Actually, I have never had a problem with copying CW
through an SSB station.  In fact, if you use a good CW
filter you probably won't even know that the SSB
station is operating.
It is my opinion this comment is completely false.

Glen, K9STH

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