SSB ops clear down to 7000 kHz on 40m, Grrrr

W2AGN w2agn at W2AGN.NET
Fri Jan 20 16:04:33 EST 2006

r391 wrote:
> "Been doing it for decades."
> So Glen... just for clarifications sake... for decades you've been 
> deliberately qrm'ing ongoing ssb qso's.... right...;-)
> At 11:20 AM 1/20/2006, you wrote:
>> Come on over to my house and I'll turn on my Collins
>> 75S-3A with the 200 Hz filter that came in it from the
>> factory.  We will then see about copying a CW signal
>> through an SSB signal.
>> You cannot do this with the wider SSB filters that
>> most equipment use for CW receiving.  But, with a
>> good, narrow, filter you can most certainly copy a CW
>> signal through an SSB signal.
>> Been doing it for decades.
>> Also, those people with a good cebreal filter can also
>> copy CW through SSB.
>> Glen, K9STH

Now there's an asinine response! Nowhere does Glen's post indicate he 
"deliberately interfered" with SSB. I saw it as information that a skilled 
operator can cope with the rude interference of our neighbors both to the North 
and South, when the choose to plunk down their SSB on top of CW.

The only difficulty copying through strong SSB is if one insists on depending on 
a receiver's AGC to do the work. Shut off the AGC and use the RF gain control as 
we did years ago.

Oh, and before accusing someone of "deliberate QRM" try READING the post first.

    _     _     _     _     _
   / \   / \   / \   / \   / \   John L. Sielke
  ( W ) ( 2 ) ( A ) ( G ) ( N )
   \_/   \_/   \_/   \_/   \_/

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