QSL Artwork

Glen Zook gzook at YAHOO.COM
Thu Jun 22 11:31:49 EDT 2006

Enough is Enough!  :>)

I have filled almost 300 requests for the General
Electric and Walter Ashe QSL artwork and they keep
coming in.

Therefore, I went through the "pain in the posterior"
to add these to the K9STH website (it is a real "pain"
to add things when your website was done with
Comcast's "olde tyme" software - the new software
doesn't allow any modifications but I found a "back
door" to let me modify the site).  Therefore, I have
put not only the original blue GE card and the "faux"
WA card but thanks to K4OAH we have addred GE in
green, orange, and orange-gray.

There has been an offer of an original, unmarked,
Walter Ashe QSL card for scanning and it is supposed
to be on its way.  When I get it I will scan it,
remove the station information, and post the artwork.

Also, I have had a bunch of requests for the old "My
QTH" QSL cards that WRL put out.  Making one of those
is going to be a bit of a challenge.  However, I have
quite a number of them in my collection of cards from
1959 onward and the callsign information is placed all
over the card.  Therefore, I can "cut and paste" to
get a complete map.  This will take a little time so
please bear with me.

Since I am recovering from eye surgery and the doctor
said that I can't work on any of the equipment that I
have in here for service (he doesn't want me to lift
anything for several days for some reason), I have
been working on the computer.  However, my wife gets
"on to me" about spending too much time on the
computer since she doesn't want me to strain my eyes! 
Can't win for loosing!

The links to the various QSL card artwork is at the
bottom of the list of links on the K9STH site.  After
you select the link "right click" on the graphic and
download to your computer.  There is just one link for
each color of the General Electric card.  You need the
instructions for the Walter Ashe card as well as the
artwork (instructions tell how to get the color and
the fonts used and their size).

The K9STH website is at


These cards are NOT on the Zcomco website.

Glen, K9STH

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