2006 Spring Hosstraders Hamfest Report

Todd, KA1KAQ ka1kaq at GMAIL.COM
Mon May 8 13:45:33 EDT 2006

Greetings to all, and apologies in advance for dupilcation if you're
subscribed to more than one of the above lists.

The spring installment of the Northeast's Hosstraders 'fest has come
and gone, and what a great time it was. Early forecasts threatened
rain again, but as the dates got closer, the forecasts improved,
resulting in a fabulous day Friday. Temps were in the mid-high 70s,
perhaps even reaching 80. Blue skies and plenty of sunshine. The only
detractor being those pesky black flies! Saturday started off sunny
early, then clouded over with a few sprinkles later in the morning. No
real rain, though.

Items seen:

- clean looking but hacked up Collins 310B for $350, a very
respectable RE 75S-3C in a rack mount for either $750 or $850 (can't
remember, but it was very cheap by epay standards), 75A-4 in VG
condition with SSB filter installed and copy of manual, $875 (this is
the one I saw last fall for $1500 that I thought sold), R-388 in
Bud-type cabinet, and an S-Line that I didn't actually see because it
sold so fast. George K1ANX also had some TCS stuff there.

- several Johnson transmitters including a drilled up Valiant for $275
and at least a couple of Rangers (didn't see the prices).

- National NC-240-D in nice shape for $325 (didn't see a speaker with
it), NC-155 w/speaker for $150 (repainted, looked good), one HRO and
1-10, didn't see the prices. WA1EWQ snagged a beautiful NC-100X with
tuning eye in place, VG-EXC condition. There was another nearby with a
big S-meter in place of the eye. K1ANX had a pair of RBLs too, one
sold while I was standing there. Not sure of the makes.

- a beautifully restored R-390A w/meters, covers, and tag for $650.
Also a modified BC-453 for $40. KW1I, W1NZR, and W2ILA had their usual
fine offerings of milsurplus and commercial gear, this is where I saw
the R-390A.

- a very clean Globe Scout snagged by Joe, WA2PJP for $65. Didn't see
any other WRL gear there.

- a lot of tubes and parts for those who like to build, like big
air-variable caps, vacuum variables, doorknob caps and so on.

There were other goodies as well, like a reasonably good Heathkit
DX-100 and a sprinkling of Drake and Halli gear. Unfortunately I
didn't get to pay as much attention to it as I had hoped because I
found myself talking with folks almost non-stop. Getting back on the
air again after 10+ years probably had a little bit to do with that.
Arriving a bit later means I missed a few things also.

My haul was rather meek this time compared to last year. The biggest
purchase was a military receiver cabinet, $50 sold for $35. Also got a
pair of tube-pulling tongs, different because the puller fingers are
at a 90 degree angle for those stubborn tubes. $2 for the tongs, and a
set of 4 H.D. Navy-type Barry mounts for another $2. But the best
score was getting the much-needed cover for the rectifier unit on my
300G broadcast transmitter, courtesy of Paul, WA3VJB. Paul drove all
the way up from Annapolis just to bring me this cover, what a guy!!
Okay, I'm embellishing *just a bit* - but it was good seeing Paul
again after many years, and the cover is most welcome. Also saw John
Flood, KB1FQG who was kind enough to hold a 2AP1 CRT for me for
several months when he could've likely sold it ten times over. John's
son looks like a quarter-scale copy of him.

One interesting facet of the 'fest was the Class E AM special event
station, W1E. I actually got to work them from the 'Kitchen Kilowatt'
(aptly named by W1UJR) just before leaving, and also had the
opportunity to operate the station after midnight. Managed to work
South Florida, the Chicago area, NC and several other stations as well
in my brief stint at the mic. I think this station was a huge success
and did a lot for the AM mode by exposing more folks to the mode,
while showcasing the building skills and techniques used by W1IA,
WA1QIX and others. I'm a vintage gear freak myself, but I have to say
that the Class E station was a blast to operate and is anything but
puny-looking. Some of the many pics can bee seen at:
http://amfone.net/Gallery2/v/hamfests/Hoos2006spr/  Big kudos to Brent
and the guys on the effort.

The best part was meeting new folks and renewing old acquaintences.
The AM and Milsurplus groups are always well-represented at this
'fest, and it's always interesting to meet someone you've corresponded
with via email for years, or someone you've talked with on the air. A
few of us went into Concord for dinner again. Next fall we're going to
take Carl WA1KPD's advice and try a brewpub.

I'm still a bit fuzzy on some of the details, maybe others will jump
in. Overall it was a great time for those who were there, and one of
the overall best in my memory.

73 de Todd/'Boomer'  KA1KAQ

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