CB to 10

Lewis c Emerson lemerson at JUNO.COM
Fri May 26 21:13:08 EDT 2006

Hi everyone,

Bob's (W1PE) recent note reminded me that, some years back, there was a
bit of interest in converting CB FM rigs to 10 meters and some of the ham
mags (maybe 73 mag) carried a number of articles about the simple
conversion process.

At that time I was in hopes that I could interest my children in getting
licensed and was gonna set them up with simple mobile equipment - all
this was to no avail and I'm now left with a bunch of the CB boards.

Is there any interest these days in these old boards?  All it takes (as I
recall) is a 12 volt power supply, mike, speaker, antenna, etc. and a
digital switch to set the IC circuit to the ten meter frequency.  I
suspect that I have the conversion articles somewhere if there's any
interest.  I guess they could be used for the 27MHz CB band, but who's
interested in that now - if it's still being used at all?

Doc, W4ITJ 

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