Urgently Needed: H-189 Hndset, LS-454 Spkr, H-161 Hedset/mic

Richard Arland, K7SZ richard.arland at VERIZON.NET
Sun May 28 18:38:10 EDT 2006

The Green Radio Gods have similed upon moi. Allegedly there will be a AN/PRC-74 appearing on my doorstep within the next 4-5 weeks. 

It will be complete except for the audio accessories needed to get it on the air. That means I am in need of the following: H-189 handset and the LS-454 loudspeaker and/or an H-161 headset with boom mic. 

If anyone out there in boatanchor/milcom/milpack radio land has one or all of these audio accessories that they want to off-load, PLEASE send me an e-mail off list and we'll do a deal. 

73 es Tnx

Rich Arland K7SZ

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