[Boatanchors] Sideband Engineers (SBE) Discussion List?

rayfri rayfri at HIGHSTREAM.NET
Sun Sep 10 16:15:47 EDT 2006

Just followed you home??   Like a lost dog.    I can understand that ..  
Has happened to me before.
Problem is I cant seem to get the wife to believe or understand that 
these things take a liking to me and follow me
home like a little doggie....  HI HI.

kd4e wrote:

> A Sideband Engineers SBE-34 followed me home from
> yesterday's tailgate.  I once owned a SBE-33 and
> was fascinated by the technology in the SBE-34
> (and even more so the SBE-35 and SBE-36 but never
> see them for sale).
> I did find this very small SBE list (19 members)
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/SBE-L/
> <http://groups.yahoo.com/group/SBE-L/>
> Anyone aware of another SBE-related list or is it
> best to ask questions here and on the SBE list in
> order to learn from the largest number of Hams
> familiar with the rig?

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