NEED: Blue Knob for Superior TV-12 Tube Tester

kd4e kd4e at VERIZON.NET
Wed Sep 27 17:28:43 EDT 2006

Just received a beautiful Superior Instruments
TV-12 Tube Tester.

One of the knobs is non-original and while it has
no impact on operation the tester looks so nice
that it is a shame to have an oddball knob.

Any chance anyone has a blue knob from a Superior
tester in their junque box?

It will have SI on the face.

Also, anyone have any settings updates?  This
came with a letter from Superior in 1969 saying
they were in transition and could not provide
setting info for newer tubes.


Thanks! & 73,
doc, KD4E
... somewhere in FL
URL:  bibleseven (dot) com

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