Response to W1PE

Sun Apr 29 08:20:10 EDT 2007

Here, here....

Many of us, in fact many, many thousands use CW, the "so called dying 
mode" every day.  AND there will be many many thousands to replace us 
BECAUSE people "fall in love with CW".  It makes them feel good, 
accomplished, capable of doing something that took "TIME to LEARN".  We 
STUCK with it and we are REWARDED. 

Those that have not felt that feeling most likely down deep are at least 
a little jealous or envious of our accomplishments.  There are always 
going to be people who are NEGATIVE and spout off at the things that 

I plain, out and out, LOVE to work on CW,  MUCH MUCH MORE than SSB or 
any other mode.  And I have the skills to work any other mode too.  To 
sit for hours trying to tailgate a DXer to work "that rare DX station" 
on CW is much more rewarding to me than getting them on SSB or RTTY.   
Not to knock those modes.    To say, "CW is really not a viable means of 
communication" would be similar to  saying that RTTY or SSTV is not a 
viable means of communication. Hogwash.

There will always be people who blindly complain and make statements 
that are damaging to others without thinking it through.  There's more 
modes for us ALL to use and no one needs to down the other's love of ham 
radio.  It's different things to all people.  I happen to love CW. 

Bob  W5EUQ   Tampa FL

Bry Carling wrote:
> I thought this was a good answer:
> = = =
> Hi Bob,
> Sometimes I don't really think the league is pulling for us. I have been a
> member for nearly 50 years. I pulled out for several years in protest of
> the 
> incentive licensing that cost me a lot of my amateur frequencies as a then
> general class licensee. I finally rejoined mainly to get QST.  
> I leave you with one thought: You are out in the middle of nowhere and the
> only means of communication is your ham rig. You need help desperately but
> your 
> mic cable is broken and you don't have the tools to fix it. Now how are
> you 
> going to get help? All you remember of CW is SOS and you are going to look
> mighty silly trying to key the rig with the mode switch or shorting the
> key jack 
> intermittantly with a screw driver, if you even have one.  Oh, and by the
> way,  
> some of the first communications out of the Tsunami area several years ago
> was 
> on CW! Some day, somewhere, this is going to bite someone where they sit
> down. I hope I live long enough to say "I told you so!"
> 73, 
>  John, W4AWM
>  20WPM Extra
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