Paint formulas

Glen Zook gzook at YAHOO.COM
Thu Nov 1 17:39:04 EDT 2007

Every so often I get repeat requests for the formulas
of the paints that I use on boat anchor cabinets. 
Here are the formulas from Sherwin-Williams of the
cabinet colors that I have had matched to date.  Note
that these are for 1 quart unless otherwise noted. 
Also, all but 2 of thse I now have in acryllic (which
dries MUCH harder than normal enamel) and all are
water-based except for the Johnson maroon which also
has an oil base formula.  The 2 that I have not yet
acquired in acryllic are for latex enamel but acryllic
is available and your local Sherwin-Williams store
(and any other paint store that has paint mixing
capabilities) can provide acryllic paint using the
same color formulation.

I always prime the cabinet before painting and what I
use is the "el cheapo" primer from WalMart which costs
97 cents for a 10 ounce spray can.  It is ColorPlace
Gray Primer #20010.

For a medium "crinkle" I overspray the primer with
Rustoleum "Stone Creations".  This comes in several
colors but I have found that the gray color seems to
work best.  You have to hold the can between 14 inches
and 18 inches away from the surface and spray in very
short "bursts" while moving the can slightly.  It akes
a little bit of practice (try spraying on a piece of
cardboard) to "get the hang of it".

A paint that generally furnishes a light wrinkle is
Krylon 3370 Jet Black.  However, you need to apply
heat to get it to really wrinkle correctly and then it
may not work correctly every time.  Therefore, I
usually use the Stone Creations paint.

After the "crinkle" or "wrinkle" pain has dried you
then need to overspray with the correct color.

Now the paints that I am giving the formulas for
require some type of spray paint rig (unless your
paint store is one of the relatively few that can load
spray cans).  There are all sorts of possible
solutions ranging from simple arrays that consist of a
can that may be pressurized using a bicycle pump all
the way to compressors and "real" paint guns.  I use a
compressor and paint gun but for occasional use those
cans that can be pressurized do work (they are
available from Harbor Freight and many paint stores).

The formulas:


St. James Gray (used on the "A" Line equipment):

Colorant          oz   32   64   128

B1 Black           2    -    -     -
Y3 Deep Gold       -   13    -     -

Acryllic:  Ultra Deep Base  6403-25981

S-Line Cabinet (formula is for 1 gallon but store can
reduce this for 1 quart):

Colorant          oz   32   64   128

B1 Black           4    -    -     -
Y3 Deep Gold       -   62    -     -
N1 Raw Umber       2    6    -     -

Acryllic:  Extra White B20 W 51  6403-36442

S-Line Trim Ring:

BAC Colorant        oz   32   64   128

N1 Raw Unber         -   17    -     -
G2 New Green         -    1    -     -
B1 Black             -    2    1     -
Y1 Yellow            -    1    -     -

Acryllic:  Extra White B20 W 51  6403-36434


Cabinet gray (HT-37, etc.):

BAC Colorant        oz   32   64   128

B1 Black             -   21    -     1
N1 Raw Umber         -   21    -     -
Y3 Deep Gold         -    5    -     1
W1 White             -   12    -     -

Latex Enamel:  Deep Base  6405-13974
(available in acryllic, store can use proper base)
esired color.

Message continued i 2 more because listserv limits
posts to 150 lines.

Glen, K9STH


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