Shipping older radios & insurance claims

Bry Carling bcarling at CFL.RR.COM
Sun Nov 25 17:57:13 EST 2007

No - if you ship to a business address using your Fedex 
account they do not impose such a limit.  I can't speak 
for residential shipments, ut I have shipped radios in the 
$700 to $100 range and insured them for the full amount 
with Federal Express.

I don't know where people are being told these limits but it has not 
happened to me at all.

> 2. Do not ship any vintage radio over worth over $500 via FedEx; they have
> an "Exclusionary Rule" of $500 about anything of "Unusual Worth or Value",
> and they include vintage radios in that category.  I have seen a thread in
> here that suggests the limit is $100; my info is about 6 months old on 
> this, so they may have gotten even stingier.

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