Millen Tx Question

Glen Zook gzook at YAHOO.COM
Fri Oct 5 11:23:53 EDT 2007

According to the advertisement in the 1950 and 1955
ARRL Amateur Radio Operator's Handbooks the 90881 used
plug-in coils and 812 or 812A type tubes.  It was
rated at 500 watts input.  The unit could be rewired
to use several different types of final amplifier

It was sold as the companion unit to the 90800 exciter
which used a 6L6 (or 6V6) crystal oscillator into an
807 final amplifier or the 90801 exciter which used a
5763 and 6146 and was rated at 50 watts input.  The
90800 is listed in the 1950 Handbook and the 90801 was
listed in the 1955 Handbook.  I had a 90800 exciter
for years (sitting on a shelf) before I sold it on
eBay several years ago.  Got a pretty good amount for

Both the exciter and final amplifier units are listed
in the 1959 Handbook but are not listed in the 1961
Handbook (I do not have a 1960 edition).  There were a
couple of power supplies sold that could power the
exciter and final amplifier (neither had a power
supply built in).

I have no information on the modulator other than that
it would have been used with the exciters since there
is no where near enough power to use with the 90881.

Glen, K9STH

--- J Forster <jfor at QUIK.COM> wrote:

Is anyone familiar with Millen transmitters?  In the
estate of a SK I'm helping the widow to disperse,
there is:
Millen RF Power Amplifier  90881  (no tubes)
Millen 40 Watt Modulator   90831  (no tubes or knobs)
Do they go together? Also, any ideas of their values.
Neither have tubes and are quite dusty, but otherwise
appear complete and decent.  There is no PS with the

Glen, K9STH


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