WTB: Unobtanium?

Alan W. Fremmer AWFremmer at AOL.COM
Tue Oct 9 16:23:39 EDT 2007

Fellow Collectors/Restorers,
Hoping someone out there has one or more of the items I'm looking for in  
order to complete several projects in the coming months.  Here's what I  need:
1 - Heathkit Cheyenne microphone with appropriate connector and/or a  near 
facsimile, again with the correct connector.
2 - Microphone and connector for a Gonset modulator/AC/DC power  supply.
3 - 2 small knobs for the Heathkit DX-60A transmitter.
4 - National XR-4 one and one half inch diameter coil forms.  I  need 4 of 
Thanks in advance to a great group of people who are always extraordinarily  
73, Alan - KB2HEI

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