AR-88 radio and its seller on eBay --

Peter A Markavage pmarkavage at JUNO.COM
Wed Aug 27 12:02:05 EDT 2008

No one has mentioned "Serial Number". Does the original seller know what
was on his receiver??

Pete, wa2cwa
On Wed, 27 Aug 2008 08:50:13 -0600 Mike Langner <mlangner at SWCP.COM>
> About the AR-88 radio
> I have never accused the seller of anything.  I have expressed that 
> the
> radio he is selling appears to match the photos of the one I lost.
> The seller may, I stress may, have been provided with a radio with 
> a
> questionable past to sell.  Possibly the seller and I am both 
> victims.
> That's not unlikely.
> The radio now belongs to UPS or to its insurance company.  UPS is 
> pursuing
> the matter. I have spoken with the UPS store that shipped the 
> radio.
> While I agree with everyone who has said the radio sure looks like 
> the one
> that was "lost" by UPS, no-one should accuse the seller of anything. 
>  I make
> no accusation.  I do observe the extreme similarity of the photos, 
> and
> welcome everyone's perceptions and conclusions.  But absent having 
> the
> actual radio in front of me, I merely note the striking similarity, 
> and
> offer caution to everyone, including the seller.
> The shipper is not entitled to return of the merchandise after the 
> insurance
> claim has been paid.
> If, however, the proper authorities determine the radio belongs to 
> UPS, I
> hope that would prevent any one or any ones along the way from the 
> UPS depot
> until its arrival at the seller's store from benefiting from any 
> possible
> impropriety.
> And I have said nothing to the eBay community through eBay.  The 
> seller does
> not deserve adverse publicity.  But we all deserve, including the 
> seller,
> any information that be relevant to the loss of a radio that appears 
> in the
> photos to be the one UPS "lost."
> Mike/
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