QSL Cards for DX Stns

hudlerb1@netzero.com hudlerb1 at NETZERO.COM
Thu Jan 24 16:19:31 EST 2008

Hello List,

Since I've been active the last few months, and being QRT for over 11 years, I see the present day QSL card situation has changed somewhat. 

I'm a bit confused as to the better way to obtain QSL's from all these new countries I've worked......I've read all the info on QRZ.com, and ARRL sites.

I belong to ARRL, so I've sent out a small batch through the QSL buro, mainly garden variety DX to see what happens. Nothing returned yet to date so far...I know from the 70's it can take a year to get a card sometimes.

Obviously the more desirable cards will need special attention.

International Reply Coupons don't seem to exist anymore, the Post Office looked at me and said, "we haven't seen them for over a year or so". I figured these would be safer than "green stamps" through the mail with questionable P. O. in a foreign country. I never used these in the past, so I have no idea about how reliable these were years ago.... 

So it appears that the good'ol green stamp is the preferred way we do this in 2008. 

I know this sounds a bit Novice like, but I would like to hear what works and does not work for you all.....before I create a lot of work and frustration....

Thanks in advance, 

Bruce WA3MKC - 73's


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