No Dumb Questions?

David C. Hallam dhallam at RAPIDSYS.COM
Sat Mar 15 16:51:01 EDT 2008

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Boat Anchor Owners and Collectors List
> [mailto:BOATANCHORS at LISTSERV.TEMPE.GOV]On Behalf Of Alan W. Fremmer
> Sent: Saturday, March 15, 2008 4:32 PM
> Subject: No Dumb Questions?
> Fellow Collectors/Restorers,
> They say there are no dumb questions but maybe mine will qualify.
>  I  freely
> admit my ignorance and come to the experts for help.
> Would like to align an NC-121 receiver.  I've done one alignment
> before and
> made out pretty well considering my lack of experience.  In that
> case the
> directions as to where to connect the signal generator and VTVM
> were  very
> specific and easy to follow.  In the case of the NC-121 the
> instructions for IF
> alignment include "connecting the high side of the generator
> directly to the
> mixer section of the tuning gang."  Does this mean the  stator,
> the rotor or
> something other?

An inspection of the schematic to see how the mixer section of the tuning
capacitor is connected in the circuit should answer your question.  However,
the rotor is the most likely.
> My second question has to do with getting a Hallicrafters SX-62A
> out of its
> cabinet.  The Pointer Reset Knob must first be removed.  None of
> my  hex keys
> fit the screw.  It's somewhere in size between .050 and  1/16."
> Someone on
> eBay is selling a set of Bristol spline wrenches which
> supposedly includes the
> size needed to remove the screw in question.   Before I make a
> bid, any advice
> on how to proceed.  The radio is in very  good cosmetic condition and
> receives great on all bands but the controls do  need cleaning
> and lubricating and
> the dial cord needs replacing.

Hallicrafters used Bristol set screws.  You will need a set of them.  You
also should get a copy of the manual.  Whenever I get any piece of gear, I
get a manual for it.
> Thanks in advance for any and all help.
> 73, Alan - KB2HEI
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